Western Cape, Goodwood CT
Adopt a Yorkie Hulk & Angel
Adopt a Yorkie Hulk & Angel are 7 years old, they get along with other dogs. They do bark at cats, so will probably chase them. They are used to being around a pool. They are a brothers and need to be adopted together.
Hulk is a standard sized Yorkshire Terrier male, he loves children. He is slightly anxious, and is nervous of car rides. He does enjoy going for walks on his leash. And Hulk does have a good appetite.
Angel is a small Yorkshire Terrier male who loves attention. He is a true lap dog, and would cuddle on a soft lap all day long if he had his way.
Both Yorkies love people and dogs so much so, that when they go for walks, they will just run up to everyone - human (adult & child) and canine - just to lick and play and get attention. They love to play.
Apply to Adopt HERE
South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue
SA Yorkie Rescue Team
Call / WhatsApp: 071 489 2917
Email: adoptions@yorkierescue.co.za
Website: www.yorkierescue.co.za