Western Cape, Pringle Bay
Adopt Kereltjie small Yorkie Boy
Kereletjie is a 5 year old male Yorkshire Terrier. He is a very affectionate friendly Yorkie boy who attaches himself to his favorite family member. He loves cuddles and thrives on being up close next to his loved ones on the couch or bed.
Kereletjie enjoys going for walks on leash and exploring. He can be a bit of an escape artist and might slip under the gate if given half the chance. He is not a jumper, so the gate and fence/wall just needs to be Yorkie proof.
He is good with children, however, he does not like to be teased and hates foot stomping. Kereltjie gets along well with other dogs, and would love to have a new home with a canine friend to play with. He currently chases the resident cat, but not sure what will happen if they had to stop and face each other 😅
He can be home alone for a short time, as long as he as doggy friends to play with. He does enjoy going for car rides.
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South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue
SA Yorkie Rescue Team
Call / WhatsApp: 071 489 2917
Email: adoptions@yorkierescue.co.za
Website: www.yorkierescue.co.za
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