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#1056 ALREADY ADOPTED - Western Cape, Parklands - Adopt Papito male Yorkie

Western Cape, Parklands


Adopt Papito male Yorkie
Adopt Papito male Yorkie

Papito is a 2 year old male Yorkshire Terrier. This playful Yorkie boy is full of love and loves his adult only family. He enjoys receiving cuddles and giving kisses.

small yorkshire terrier male

This well trained Yorkie has graduated from puppy school. He does the cutest little tricks in return of some delicious treats, mental stimulation is part of his daily routine that brings him great Yorkie satisfaction.

Papito 2 year old male Yorkshire Terrier

Papito enjoys going for walks on leash twice a day, and just say: "boy go walk" and he will run with excitement at the prospect of another outdoor adventure. He thoroughly enjoys going down to beach. Car rides are just as fun for him.

3kg Yorkshire Terrier male

He is fully housetrained, he does not lift his leg in the house, and if he needs to stay home alone for a short period of time, he will obediently use the training pads. 

Papito can easily keep himself occupied with a few toys. He is very well socialized with other dogs, and with cats. He is also accustomed to be around a pool.

small Male Yorkshire Terrier on a white background

This small Yorkie boy, does not get along with children. He is looking for a home with adults only who are willing to dot over him all day long, as every Yorkie desires. 

beautiful tiny male yorkshire terrier

Apply to Adopt HERE

South Africa's Favourite Yorkie Rescue
SA Yorkie Rescue Team
Call / WhatsApp: 071 489 2917

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